So, you know you need to make changes to your lifestyle to get healthier.. perhaps a doctor has suggested it or it’s something you’ve always strived for but get hung up on old habits and find yourself in a cyclical pattern of starting then failing. Whatever the case may be, if you are on a journey toward better health, it is absolutely crucial to first establish your “why." Motivation will get you started but eventually old habits will tempt you and being able to recall why you are on a health journey in the first place will help you get through it.
Here are some questions to help you take inventory of your current health status and help you establish your "why":
Who is dependent on you? If you are sick in bed, who else is affected?
Do you have any chronic disease or are you at risk for any?
Do you have any injuries or illness that you are recovering from?
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
Do you feel like you have the energy required to make it through your daily work and tasks?
Have you had to say "no" to serving opportunities because you were not in shape for the task or too tired?
Do you have anybody (children in particular) watching and learning from your lifestyle habits?
Do your health choices directly impact others (spouse or other family members) in your home? Are your (lack of ) healthy habits "sabotaging" another family member who is striving for better health by tempting them?
As an example, here is my "why" which is deeply personal to me - maybe some of these will inspire you to to establish yours.
My body is a gift from God and I want to steward that gift well to glorify Him.
My body is still healing and recovering from giving birth, trauma, and surgeries - I gave birth 8 months ago, had major blood loss, and had an emergency hysterectomy all in a day.. healing from something like that will take time and I can't afford to take my foot off the gas of my health journey.
I am breastfeeding - I am a milk factory so I need to keep my machinery running optimally to provide top notch nutrition to my baby.
I need to have energy to keep up with my kids and not just survive but thrive and pour into them.
Taking care of my body is one of the best gifts I can give to my husband!
I want to feel good! Feeling bad and being sick is no fun.
My kids are watching - Healthy habits are caught, not taught. Monkey see, monkey do.
I want to be ready for whatever life throws at me and give my body the best chance of survival (this mentality most likely stems from my traumatic birth experience.. I fully believe I survived and am recovering so well because I was in good shape) but think about it.. anything can happen.. give yourself the best chance by staying fit. I've always loved the motto "Do your best and God will do the rest" and I take that to mean, God is in control of all outcomes, but do what you can within your own power to give yourself the best chance.
I want to be able to serve God the best I can when serving or missionary opportunities arise - I don't want to say no to things that I am not in shape for or too tired to do. For example - if somebody needs help moving or with yard work or whatever it may be, I don't want to say "no" just because I have not been taking care of my body and don't have the strength or energy to do so.
Once you have taken a full and honest inventory of where your current health status is and you have established your "why", write it down somewhere you will see it frequently and can access easily. You'll need it. Then, Pray - Plan - Execute! Pray for God to lead you in your journey, pray for God's guidance in creating a plan, pray for God to help you stay disciplined, pray that God will put people in your life who will keep you encouraged, ask God to help you stay focused on Him throughout the health journey, and ask God to help you guard your heart from getting caught up in worldly ideals (like aesthetics and self-glorification). Next, create your plan - start with your long term or big picture goal, and then go backwards from there listing out the daily choices you make to help you get there. Start small and choose one thing at a time to work on.
Last thing I want to leave you with when you are reflecting on your why, setting goals, and creating a plan.. be honest with yourself and don’t be afraid to seek professional help in any area that you know you may need help. Struggling with mental health? Work with a psychologist or counselor. Don’t know what to do for workouts? Perhaps seek out a personal trainer or join a group fitness class. Not sure what you should be eating? Work with a nutritionist. Maybe you have old injuries that are keeping you from working out or you are afraid of tweaking your back again? Work with a physical therapist and/or a chiropractor. There is so much help available out there.. maybe just making the call and setting up an appointment with a professional is your next step.
What is your "why"? What changes are you going to make? I'd love to hear all about it!
You've got this, my friend! I am praying for you and cheering you on!